ONE month (30 days) of hands-on, detailed detox coaching specific to your needs. I will be available to you at any time throughout your booked month for questions, moral support and any emergencies that my arise. I will be checking in with you often throughout this time to gauge how you are doing with the detox and to ascertain whether any modifications need to be made for your comfort and progress. SEE DETAILED DESCRIPTION BELOW:

  • Category: Offerings
  • Service Duration: 01:00 Hours
  • Location:Zoom Link
  • Price:$444



RECOMMENDED FOR those who ARE dealing with a serious/chronic health issue/crisis and need at least one month of one on one coaching/support. After our first month working together, you should have all the information you need to continue the detox on your own. However, it is your option to book additional months to continue working with me until your health issue has been completely eliminated. 

This package includes a beginner's meal plan with simple recipes that anyone can make. As you get comfortable with those recipes and want to make more of a lifestyle change, more intricate recipes can be included upon request.

Based on the information you provide during our initial consultation, I will develop a specific protocol for you, which comes free with your month. Any modifications/tweaks to the protocol are included in the package. I will be available to support you throughout the 30 days. This includes, answering questions (you'd be surprised how many questions can come up during this process) from what you should/should not consume during each phase of your specific detox protocol.

During any type of detox, one can experience what is known as "detox symptoms" that can range from very minor, to severe. This often frightens people into thinking they are on the wrong path or doing something harmful to their bodies. Proper guided detox is NEVER harmful to the body. I will be accessible throughout the month(s) you have booked to guide you through SAFELY managing or eliminating those symptoms. Often, people will revert to what they are used to when experiencing detox symptoms, which includes taking medication(s), or partaking in some type of home remedy. Because these may be "off-protocol," your body could go into shock and you could have any variation of what is known as a "health crisis". These can be very scary. My coaching is focused on keeping you from having these health crises, but if you should go off our protocol for any reason, I will be there to help you get back on track - SAFELY. I will be checking on you to see how you're doing and making suggestions to modify the protocol for the day if need be.

TO BOOK (NOTE: This should only be booked AFTER you have already had your initial consultation. If you have not had your consultation yet, please book that first. It is free.) Please select a date at LEAST 48 hours after today's date, and at LEAST 48 hours before you would like to begin your detox. The time you select will be the time we will go over your official protocol one on one.